Introducing E-Passive – the home of true, hands-off, passive income.

Real Passive Income with EPassive. 

Micro-mobility is already on the way to revolutionising the way millions of people get around.

Just look at the way electric cars have utterly eclipsed the sales of petrol vehicles in many areas.

Partner with E-Passive as we deploy thousands of electric vehicles throughout Asia and be part of the e-bike sharing industry.

E-Passive is focused on offering you passive income that is truly completely hands off, simple to get into, that really works, and that do not risk your hard earned capital to validate!


We also want to offer opportunities that make sense, that have banking and commercial substance, and where possible, that do good for society and the planet.

E-Bike and E-Mountain Bike Rental Management.

Let us introduce you to our E-bike or E-Mountain Bike rental opportunity. 

White abstract geometric artwork from Dresden, Germany

How does it work?

You buy the commercially prepared E-bike which we place into managed rental placement with hotels, rental companies and even with companies who have a need to offer these amenities to their staff.

The value to these locations is simple, a ‘clean, green’, amenity at no cost to them which enhances the customer or guest experience, delivers some clear sustainability metrics, all while enhancing their bottom line. In short, it is a no-brainer for all of these locations. They are telling us this themselves!

Meet our team

The E-PASSIVE founding team is a powerhouse of industry veterans, each bringing decades of specialized expertise to propel the project to new heights.

We’ve worked with some of the best companies.

Apply here, lock in your e-bike passive income now – and look forward to an amazing 2025. 

  • Application form
  • Number of bikes
  • Payment
  • Receipt and notification of placement
White abstract geometric artwork from Dresden, Germany